Garden Lavender - The natural herbal fragrance of a lazy sunny afternoon in a garden full of lavender combined with lavender’s signature sweetness brings relaxation to both the mind and body. Relax your mind and body in the hard daily life.
SAFETY - Our fragrances are free from trichloroethylene, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, toluene, xylene and styrene and adhere to IFRA standards and regulations.
EASY SCENT CONTROL AND LONG-LASTING FRAGRANCE -You can choose to add or remove the number of reed sticks to match your taste. It takes 1 or 2 days for the fabric sticks to soak in the scent. When the fragrance weakens, simply turn the reed sticks upside down or replace them with new ones.
THOUGHTFUL GIFT IDEA - It is a thoughtful gift idea for weddings, birthdays, housewarming parties, Christmas, holidays, Mother’s day, and Father’s Day. Give joy to your parents, friends, colleagues, and customers with our luxurious Cocodor diffusers.